
« To restore, maintain and develop our body’s flexibility and strength.« 

Even though it’s not physically demanding, Sensitive Body Gym © is a real body workout. It works better and faster than traditional gymnastics.

« If our bodies are limited, it’s not so much due to a lack of physical activity as to multiple sensory blockages. »

It doesn’t make sense to force our bodies to do a lot of physical exercise. It’s much more efficient, comfortable and, above all, respectful of our constitution to remove the blockages that hinder our personal physical well-being.

Sensitive Body Gym :
Who is it? What is it?

My name is Luc Nicon.

20 years ago, I discovered an emotional regulation process that I called Tipi.

I also created the association of the same name in order to spread this process of emotional regulation to as many people as possible throughout the world.

The Tipi method is now used by over 6,000 professionals worldwide (doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, coaches, teachers, etc.) who perform over 50,000 sessions per month.

After a long period of development, it’s now time for me to share this revolutionary application with you: Sensitive Body Gym ©… or Tipi Gym © for short.

What can we expect?

Everyone should be aware of this opportunity to take care of their body.

« Thank You! It was becoming increasingly difficult for me to move around and even use my arms and hands without feeling tension and pain. Within ten days of practicing Tipi Gym every day, everything became easier: no more aches, pains, or fear of movement. Everyone should know about this way to take care of our body. François »

What a discovery!

« At first glance, it doesn’t seem particularly revolutionary: « Observe the sensations in your body and let them evolve, » it seemed to me, was already something like that in Vipassana meditation, mindfulness, and yoga. When I discovered the detailed protocol and practiced it, I soon realized that it actually had nothing to do with that at all. It’s something else entirely. It’s a pity that this is not emphasized in the presentation, because it is a real discovery with amazing results. Élodie »

As easy as drinking a glass of water…

« To be honest, I didn’t expect this. I thought there would be some effort to make. But it didn’t. A minimum of willpower, a bit of concentration and that’s it. It’s as simple as drinking a glass of water, eating an apple, walking in the countryside… I tell all the people around me: my students, my friends, my parents, my grandparents, all of them get started. Aline »

Too good to be true… And yet it is!

« I hadn’t exercised for 20 years and felt guilty about my physical condition.
I was particularly skeptical about this. Fortunately, I know and trust Luc.
I started using Sensitive Body Gym for minor aches and pains, then for the tension I felt here and there in my body. I was immediately amazed by the results.
Today, I do one Tipi Gym exercise a day and I’m regaining the flexibility of my youth. It’s great! Stella »

Tipi Gym has completely transformed my sports practice.

« I’m 27 years old, I play several sports at a high level and Tipi Gym has completely changed the way I experience sports. The warm-up, the stretching before and after a competition, my training sessions, everything is different. Besides the fact that my performance has improved even though I don’t feel like I’m doing much, I’m more aware of the fact that I’m not straining my body and hurting myself anymore. My whole state of mind has changed as well. I used to train all the time, and the harder it was, the better it felt. Now, if I push myself to the limit, it’s only in competition. The rest of the time I go with what I feel in my body. Definitely a must for any sport! Jorge »

Pour les professionnels

For sports coaches – physical educators
elite athletes – physical education teachers and educators
Teachers of sport, physical well-being and personal development
(dance, yoga, pilates, tai-chi-chuan…).

Tipi Gym Professional Training
led by Luc Nicon
can be organized in person anywhere in the world.

For more information